
Drizzle vs Prisma: Which TypeScript ORM is More Efficient in 2024?

By Naveed SarwarSeptember 29th 2023
Drizzle vs Prisma: Which TypeScript ORM is More Efficient in 2024?

If you are a web developer who works with SQL databases, you might have heard of TypeScript ORM tools. These are libraries that allow you to write SQL queries in a type-safe and expressive way using TypeScript, a programming language that adds types to JavaScript. TypeScript ORM tools can help you simplify your code, prevent errors, and improve your productivity.

But which TypeScript ORM tool should you use in 2024? There are many options available, but two of the most popular ones are Drizzle ORM and Prisma ORM. Both are modern and powerful tools that let you work with SQL databases in a fluent and intuitive way. However, they have some differences in their design, features, and performance that might make one of them more suitable for your needs than the other.

In this blog post at TechloSet Solutions, we will compare Drizzle and Prisma in terms of their features, performance, compatibility, simplicity, flexibility, and future prospects. We will also share our personal opinions and experiences with each tool and give you some tips and best practices for using them. By the end of this blog post, you will have a clear answer to the question: Which TypeScript ORM tool is faster, simpler, and more flexible in 2024? Read on to find out!

Drizzle Vs Prisma Comparison: Features, Performance, Compatibility

Let's start by comparing Drizzle and Prisma in terms of their features, performance, and compatibility. These are some of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a TypeScript ORM tool.

Drizzle Vs Prisma: Features

Drizzle and Prisma both TypeScript ORMs offer a rich set of features that make SQL development easier and more enjoyable. Here are some of the features that they have in common:

  • They support various platforms, drivers, and dialects. Some of them include Node.js, Deno, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and more. You can use Drizzle or Prisma with any SQL database that you prefer or are familiar with.
  • They integrate with Zod, a TypeScript schema validation library, to provide extra type safety and validation for your data models. You can also use Zod to define the shape and constraints of your data, and Drizzle or Prisma will automatically infer the types and validate the values for you.
  • Drizzle and Prisma both offer a fluent and chainable query builder that allows you to write complex queries with ease. You can use methods like select, where, join, orderBy, limit, offset, and more to build your queries in a readable and composable way.
  • They support various query types, such as raw queries, parameterized queries, prepared statements, transactions, batch operations, and more. You can use the query type that suits your needs and performance requirements. To learn more about raw queries, click here.

However, Drizzle and Prisma also have some differences in their features that might make one of them more appealing or convenient than the other. Here are some of the features that they differ in:

  • Drizzle infers the types from your schema file and uses them with its TypeScript API that resembles SQL syntax. Whereas, Prisma generates a TypeScript API based on your schema file that you can use to query your database.
  • Drizzle handles complex queries with multiple JOINs by using subqueries that fetch the related data in one query. On the other hand, Prisma handles complex queries with multiple JOINs by using add-on queries that fetch the related data separately.
  • Drizzle provides hooks and events that let you customize the behavior of your queries and models. You can use hooks like beforeCreate, afterCreate, beforeUpdate, afterUpdate, and more to execute some logic before or after certain actions. You can also use events like onQueryStart, onQueryEnd, onQueryError, and more to listen to the events that occur during the query execution. Whereas, Prisma does not provide hooks or events at the moment, but it is working on adding them in the future.

Drizzle Vs Prisma: Performance

Drizzle and Prisma both claim to be fast and performant tools that optimize your SQL queries and reduce your database load. However, some factors might affect their performance differently depending on your environment and use case.

One of the factors is the bundle size and memory footprint of each tool. The bundle size is the amount of code that each tool adds to your application when you install it as a dependency. The memory footprint is the amount of memory that each tool consumes when you run it on your server or device. These factors can affect the performance and cold start time of serverless environments, such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions.

According to a benchmark conducted by the Drizzle team, Drizzle has a smaller bundle size and memory footprint than Prisma. Drizzle's bundle size is about 1.5 MB, while Prisma's bundle size is about 6.5 MB. Drizzle's memory footprint is about 30 MB, while Prisma's memory footprint is about 80 MB. This means that Drizzle might have an advantage over Prisma in terms of performance and cold start time in serverless environments.

Another factor is the query speed of each tool. The query speed is the amount of time that each tool takes to execute a SQL query and return the result. This factor can affect the performance and user experience of your application, especially if you have complex or frequent queries.

According to another benchmark conducted by the Drizzle team, Drizzle and Prisma have similar query speeds for simple queries, such as selecting or inserting a single row. However, Drizzle has a faster query speed than Prisma for complex queries, such as selecting or inserting multiple rows with relations. This means that Drizzle might have an advantage over Prisma in terms of performance and user experience for complex queries.

Drizzle Vs Prisma: Compatibility

Drizzle and Prisma both aim to be compatible with various platforms, drivers, and dialects, as well as with other tools and frameworks that you might use in your development stack. However, they have some differences in their compatibility that might affect your choice depending on your preferences or requirements. Some main differences between these two ORMs are:

  • Supported Platforms

One of the differences is the supported platforms. The supported platforms are the environments where you can run each tool and access your database. Drizzle supports Node.js and Deno, two popular JavaScript runtime environments that allow you to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. On the other hand, Prisma supports Node.js, but not Deno at the moment. However, Prisma is working on adding support for Deno in the future.

  • Supported Drivers and Dialects

The supported drivers are the software components that enable each tool to communicate with your database. The supported dialects are the variations of SQL that each tool can understand and generate. Drizzle ORM supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite drivers and dialects. Whereas, Prisma ORM supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB, and CockroachDB drivers and dialects.

  • Integration with other Tools and Frameworks:

The integrations are the connections that each tool has with other tools and frameworks that you might use in your development stack, such as web frameworks, testing tools, logging tools, etc. Drizzle integrates with Zod, a TypeScript schema validation library, to provide extra type safety and validation for your data models. Prisma integrates with Zod as well as with other tools and frameworks, such as Next.js, NestJS, Apollo Server, Jest, Pino, etc.

Drizzle Vs Prisma Evaluation: Simplicity, Flexibility, Future Prospects

Now that we have compared Drizzle and Prisma in terms of their features, performance, and compatibility, let's evaluate them in terms of their simplicity, flexibility, and future prospects. These are some of the aspects that can influence your satisfaction with each tool.


Drizzle and Prisma both strive to be simple and easy-to-use tools that make SQL development fun and productive. However, they have some differences in their simplicity that might make one of them more appealing or convenient than the other.

One of the differences is the learning curve of each tool. The learning curve is the amount of time and effort that it takes to learn and master each tool. Drizzle has a lower learning curve than Prisma because it uses a syntax that resembles SQL. If you know SQL, you know Drizzle ORM. Prisma has a higher learning curve than Drizzle because it uses a syntax that abstracts away the SQL details. You need to learn how to use Prisma's TypeScript API to query your database.

Another difference is the documentation of each tool. The documentation is the collection of resources that explain how to use each tool and provide examples, tutorials, guides, references, etc. Drizzle has minimal documentation that covers the basic features and usage of the tool. You can easily find it on Drizzle's GitHub repository. Prisma has comprehensive documentation that covers all the features and aspects of the tool. You can find it on Prisma’s GitHub repository.


Flexibility is another important aspect to consider when choosing between Drizzle and Prisma. Flexibility refers to the extent to which each tool allows you to customize and adapt it to your specific needs and preferences. Drizzle offers a high level of flexibility due to its SQL-like syntax. If you are comfortable with SQL and prefer to write your queries in a manner similar to traditional SQL, Drizzle provides that flexibility. It also offers hooks and events that allow you to customize query and model behavior. This will give you fine-grained control over your application's logic. Prisma, on the other hand, abstracts away many SQL details, which can make it less flexible in terms of writing custom SQL queries. However, Prisma compensates for this by providing a rich set of features and integrations with other tools and frameworks. It is highly extensible and allows you to integrate it seamlessly into various parts of your development stack.

Future Prospects

Consideration of the future prospects of Drizzle and Prisma is crucial for long-term project planning. Both tools have active development communities and ongoing updates, but they have different roadmaps and visions for the future. Drizzle is a relatively newer tool with a focus on simplicity and performance. While it may have a smaller user base compared to Prisma. Drizzle ORM’s development team is actively working on expanding its feature set and improving performance. Drizzle's roadmap includes plans for adding more database drivers and features in the upcoming releases. Prisma is a more mature and widely adopted tool and has a well-defined roadmap and strong community support. It aims to continue enhancing its existing features, expanding platform compatibility (including Deno support), and improving developer experience. Prisma also has a clear vision for becoming a comprehensive data access platform beyond just being an ORM. Ultimately, your choice between Drizzle and Prisma should align with your project's immediate requirements and your long-term vision. Both tools offer valuable solutions for TypeScript-based SQL development and your decision should be based on your:

  • Familiarity with SQL.
  • Desired level of customization.
  • Project's specific performance & compatibility needs.


Both Drizzle and Prisma are tools for data access and migrations. Drizzle aims to be a minimal layer on top of SQL-like syntax, while Prisma aims to provide a user-friendly and expressive API. Your choice between these two will depend on your priorities and preferences. You can:

Choose Drizzle If:

  • You have a preference for SQL-like syntax and want a tool that closely resembles traditional SQL.
  • You value a smaller bundle size and memory footprint, which can be advantageous in resource-constrained environments like serverless platforms.
  • You prefer a tool with a lower learning curve, especially if you are already familiar with SQL.
  • You are working on projects that require fine-grained control over SQL queries and database interactions.

Choose Prisma If:

  • You seek a comprehensive and well-documented tool with a wide range of features and integrations.
  • You prioritize a rich ecosystem of integrations with other tools and frameworks commonly used in modern web development.
  • You are open to learning a new query-building syntax that abstracts SQL details in exchange for developer-friendly abstractions.
  • You are planning for long-term project scalability and envision Prisma as part of a broader data access strategy.

Ultimately, the decision between Drizzle and Prisma should be guided by your specific project requirements, your familiarity with SQL, and your long-term development goals. Both tools have their strengths and can significantly enhance your TypeScript SQL development experience in 2023 and beyond.

Techloset's Services: Leveraging Drizzle and Prisma

At Techloset, we understand the dynamic landscape of TypeScript ORM tools and their crucial role in modern software development. That's why we offer a wide range of software development services tailored to your project's unique needs.

Whether you require the flexibility and familiarity of Drizzle or the comprehensive features and integrations of Prisma, our expert developers are well-versed in both tools. We'll work closely with you to determine the best approach for your project, ensuring that your database-related needs are met efficiently and effectively.

Explore Database-Related Job Opportunities

If you're passionate about database management, software development, and the world of TypeScript ORM tools, TechloSet Solutions also provides exciting job opportunities in these domains. Join our team of skilled professionals and embark on a journey to innovate and create cutting-edge solutions using tools like Drizzle and Prisma.

We're always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our passion for excellence in software development and data management. Check out our careers page for the latest job openings and take the next step in your career with TechloSet.
